Conrad Dreyer looks to the left

I am everything but a one trick pony.

I am Conrad Dreyer, a multimedia designer and entrepreneur with experience in branding, web design and generative design. My aim is to push the boundaries of the known and ordinary in order to make the world a better place .

Let’s create beyond better!

Which CMS suits which project?

| CMS Web Development

Everyone knows WordPress. But does it make the perfect content management system for every use case? In this article I'll introduce you to several alternatives that do a better job than WordPress in many situations. […]

In this golden digital sculpture arrows pass each other inside rings as a sign of transferring data between client and server

Show hidden files in FileZilla

| Web Development Quick Tip

At the risk of making myself the laughingstock of the web development community: I've been using FileZilla for 7 years and only last week finally figured out how to show hidden files. "Force show hidden files" has never worked. If you have the same problem, read this article. […]

This golden sculpture shows a brain with a halo inside an abstract swirl of liquid


Here I share the epiphanies that haunt me in my work as a designer and programmer. May they help you as well! Feel free to subscribe to my newsletter in order to get some exclusive freebies and the occasional update. […]

Let's get in touch!

I’m always interested in meeting exciting people and doing cool projects. Say hi at or via the form (with built in E2EE via PGP). If you want to send a standard email, feel free to use my public PGP key.

I´ll never share your email with anyone else.


Or send a letter to:

Elbtakt GmbH & Co. KG
Bureau Conrad Dreyer
Hamburger Str. 208
22083 Hamburg